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About Russell County Online

I began a career in journalism in 2008 when I was hired on at The Russell Register, then located in the Masonic Lodge on the square in Jamestown.

Initially hired to help with office work it wasn’t long before I started covering government meetings, writing articles and even began my own column.

Within two or three years The Russell Register was acquired by The Times Journal and I they kept me on, continuing to cover government meetings and pretty much what I’d been doing, thankfully allowing me to continue my column.

Somewhere around 2015 I would occasionally fill in as videographer of the government meetings for Duo County, as I was already covering the meetings for The Times Journal.

Within a couple of years I took over filming duties for all the meetings which lasted a couple of years when it was expressed that at some point Duo would be going in another direction and would no longer be covering the meetings.

When covid hit in 2020 and meetings were not being held in person for a few months it was the right time for Duo to let me know they’d no longer be continuing the coverage.

As I had enjoyed the endeavor so much I expressed that I’d love to still cover the meetings and Duo County graciously and generously donated the equipment to me so that the county could continue to have this important access to how the local government functioned.

I did this for no money for some months, with one meeting not having any sponsorship for nearly a year. But I did early on ask just a few potential sponsors and I was honestly amazed at the enthusiasm for the project I received, they also believing it was a worthwhile community service.

This continued for some while, as I was working full time and I considered the meeting coverage as mostly my way of providing something for the community I lived in, and I just happened to make a little extra pocket money.

As fortunes turn The Russell County Online YouTube channel I had created became the major source of income, and it was a struggle.  I’m not a salesman, and approaching businesses to become sponsors was very difficult. The saving grace being that I was selling something I absolutely believed in.

Having faith that what I am doing is an absolute good for the community gave me enough confidence to provide this, my “sales pitch” to potential sponsors:

Russell County Online is first and foremost dedicated to covering the meetings of the Russell County Fiscal Court, The Board of Education and the city council meetings of Jamestown and Russell Springs.

The meetings are filmed from beginning to end, no editing of content so that there is no possibility of bias or choosing what “should” or “should not” be included.

Most people will never attend one of these government meetings. They are then left unaware of what happens at them, how they are conducted, who their representatives are and how they engage on the voters behalf.

I imagine there might be some anxiety involved, being that it’s unknown. Will they call on me to speak? Will I understand what’s happening? And honestly most just aren’t that invested, and that’s detrimental to the health of the community.

By having access 24/7 to all the meetings mentioned the citizenry of Russell County can be better informed of the issues that their local government contend with on their behalf. They can see how their local government works and are more informed, allowing them to hold their representatives to account. This will lead to voters being able to choose whether or not the candidate in a coming election should remain or be replaced. It provides a level of transparency while in the comfort of your home. And maybe most importantly, over time it will me better and better prepared candidates for office, strengthening our local government.

While Russell County Online’s first dedication is government meeting coverage, the vision is much broader. What could it become? It could become a community hub, a meeting place, a place where the market of ideas, events, community happenings can take place.

It COULD be a place where people post videos of cooking their favorite recipes. A place where interviews with local citizens from top to bottom are preserved forever.

How great would it be if we all had video of ourselves when we were young, at a basketball game, a parade, a festival, school play, dance recital… and have it available at all times. That’s what we’re trying to create now, so that in 20 years, 40 years, children and grandchildren can look back at their parents when they were young. Or grandparents can look back at all the people they’ve known throughout the years.

It’s a hefty endeavor. Certainly beyond one person. But that’s my dream for the channel. To become a foundation of a sort of anthropological history of Russell County.

We hope you’ll join us by supporting in any way you can, be it financially, by subscribing to the YouTube channel, by passing it on word of mouth, by contributing content so that others will see your lead and follow it.

Thank you for reading my long winded post. If you would like to contact Russell County Online you can email me at

Thanks again, fellow Russell Countians